Rent to Own
Our “Rent to Own” option allows you to gain the benefits of both Renting and Investing towards Ownership, still with no obligation. 100% of the first 6 months Rental is applied towards Ownership and 50% of every month thereafter is applied towards Ownership. This option inlcudes Hosting and Support at no additional cost.
Basic features
Optional Modules
Bulk E-mail
Send thousands targeted Emails on a daily basis be a head of your competition easy-to-use. Simply create template go to your Bulk Email create target report check and send.
Create powerful reports from hundreds reports option we have that will help you to analyze you company, be more productive. control your sales team and view all your accounts in one report.
Auto Import Leads
Import your leads and send an email automatically to your customers 24/7 without you having to do anything. be the first one to email your customer.
Unlimited Templates
Customize all your company documents and give your company unique and professional look use hundreds of database tag to fill the information on your templates.
Item List Link
Email customer Items List Link form account in software and auto populates Item List in the customer account in software.
Zip Codes Finder
The lattes US Zip code finder build in to our software including Canada postal code and Australia postal code.